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What is the price of ISSP (ISSP)?

ISSP (ISSP) price has increased today. The price of ISSP (ISSP) is $0.0001303 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $20,831.46. This represents a 0.16% price increase in the last 24 hours and a -8.84% price decline in the past 7 days.

Is ISSP (ISSP) underperforming the global cryptocurrency market?

With a price decline of -8.80% in the last 7 days, ISSP (ISSP) is underperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 3.70%, while underperforming when compared to similar Sui Ecosystem cryptocurrencies which are up 0.00%. ISSP (ISSP) price has increased today.

What is ISSP & how does it work?

ISSP is the first cross-chain inscription protocol system that integrates an inscription marketplace and inscription swap, leveraging the unique Objects model of Sui network to naturally benefit inscription systems.

La première plateforme de trading de cryptomonnaies au monde

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